Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dishes and Texting.

I Don't know why I do the things I do. Everything just happens.
And I've been thinking about that alot lately. They say everything happens for a reason, so there must be a reason for me being who I am. For me to be loud and crazy when I'm upset. Or when I see someone who needs to talk, even if I hate them...I'm nice. And I listen.
Well, the second one, I think I do that because I've been through hell and don't think anyone deserves to feel as low as I have. I just....I don't know.
I'm such a boring blogger.
I just did dishes.
And by doing dishes, I mean I danced around my kitchen for two hours blasting the radio
Two thirds of the time, I was either dancing or changing the station.
I've never had more fun cleaning in my entire life.
I think I'll do dishes more often.

I feel like ranting.
You know what I hate? Like, alot?
When someone sends you a text, and you reply
and they don't.
Why text me in the first place?
I could be wasting my time talking to someone who actually wants to talk to me.
And it's always the person that I really want to talk to, but I won't talk to them unless they talk to me first. So I get all happy and bubbly...
for them not to respond.
Party pooper.
But then again, I do that ALL THE TIME to the people I talk to so much. But it's not like I'm ignoring anybody. I read their text message, I think about my reply..I just don't type it out. I think I typed it out, but I don't.
They must hate me as much as I hate them
perfect hate-hate relationship.

Am I the only one who pretends to text in awkward situations?
I'll be walking down the street, and whenever I walk past someone, I pull my phone out a good ten steps before I pass them.
Maybe it's only awkward to me, that person probably doesn't even think about me. But I still pull out my phone and act like I'm in the middle of an epic conversation. Sometimes I even smile at my phone and text really fast...
But I love it when people do that when they pass me.
'Cause I know what they're doing and it makes me feel less alone and really smart.
I'm such a hypocrite.

.....Purple used to be my favorite color.

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