Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Things That Should Be Illegal:
Boys who mess with your head
Liking those boys
Those boys being BEAUTIFUL
Those boys starting out as the most amazing and best best friend you've ever had... and then changing into an asshole
but at times they go back to ALMOST caring as much as they used to 
Those boys saying they like you... and every time they say it you're reeled in like a sea bass.. but then they spend all of their free time with every other girl but you.
those kissy faces should be banned.
Fighting with those boys
and then they get mad at you for things you didn't do without even asking about it
and they get mad FOR ANOTHER GIRL
then they say they can't stand fighting with you, but they just keep picking more
those boys telling you no matter what you'll always be friends.
and believing those boys should be illegal.
those boys who, when you ask them about that other whore they're ALWAYS with, deny it all and lie to you like you're an idiot
those boys who then go hit on your best friend and assume that you're assuming that they're over you. 
Those boys sending you more mixed signals
until those boys just walk out of your life like it's nothing
and all of those other things people warn you about when you meet those boys but you don't listen. 
and those boys that you can think of a million reasons why you hate them SO much. 
and those boys that when you see that picture they just uploaded your heart nearly explodes. 
those boys when "your song" comes on, you trip and you stumble and try so hard to hold back tears and you have this urge to curl up in a ball and kick your radio at the same time
Those boys that make you love them.


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