I know it's Hannah Montana...Miley Cyrus..whatever you choose to call her, I KNOW.
But I like that song, although it's pushing me farther into writers block...
"I wish i can take your pain away
I wish i can take your blame
I want to take everything off your shoulders, and drop them onto mine.
I want you to be free,
Where no one can hurt you
I'll deal with it all
So you can enjoy your day
I dont care how long i'll have to do it
A day, weeks, months, or years
I deal with it untilll i die
I'm doing all this for you
So you can be happy(:
I'm sorry that all it happens to you
But i'll be there for you
Day or night
And i mean it.
So dont worry
Its Summer
Go have Fun
I'll deal with this Bullshit"
-Jayden :D
You deserve better is a good title, i think