I sat down silently
looked around the room
I promised to be friendly
so I smiled right at you
your eyes lit up, you waved right back
and then I turned away
it took a minute
to meet my best friend that day
Three years ago
three years too short
but now it seems so long ago
you meant everything to me
I just didn't let it show
I jumped on stage
you followed close behind
You never walked away
when I had something on my mind
my best friend
my other half
You cry, I'd cry
then try to make you laugh
I had your smile through the good times
your shoulder through the bad
I have some silly picture
of every memory we had
You were there when Alicia died
even when I couldn't cry
you were there when I said
"I'm fine"
Because you knew it was a lie
I remember sitting through play practice
crying by your side
I was falling apart
you promised not to leave my life
You listened to my mistakes
told me what wasn't right
you read everything I wrote
when I couldn't sleep at night
You got angry when I told myself
I wasn't anything at all
you walked by my side
falling behind to catch my falls
You know my deepest secrets
how to break through my shell
you never got tired of me
you know me too well.
and then I changed,
I became someone you didn't know
I drifted
You watched me go,
we still spoke
but not enough
yet you stood with me
when things got touch
those summer memories
seemed so far away
suddenly you looked at me
and didn't know what to say
I glared at you
I threw three years out the window
I don't know.
And now you're gone
because of
I stumbled upon some photographs
while cleaning today
birthday parties
acting competitions
you're everywhere but here
I just wanted to say I'm sorry
I'm making a change
for the better this time.
I wont have you by my side this next year
I won't have a shoulder to cry
Looking back on all of this
I never said goodbye,
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