I am the girl who tries so damn hard to change
what she sees inside of her
but in the end all she does
is alter the face in her mirror
Another girl who swears she's fine
promises she doesn't mind
when she's always the one left behind
I am the girl who will leave you before you get the chance
to think about goodbye
the girl with broken wings
but will always try to fly
The girl who when you call her "beuteful"
all I do is correct your spelling because I know
you only mean it until someone else
walks in and steals the show
the girl who never has
and never will leave your side
come back
leave again
and walk back in
just another girl who hopes one day
she'll be something worth staying for
even though
She lost everyone just to prove she could
to prove him wrong when he said he would
I'm the girl who's always smiling
because she hopes one day
someone will like it, and stay..
That's awesome